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1000 Route 66 in Ocean Township

Norman's Hallmark Relocates To Seaview Square Shopping Center In Ocean Township

1000 Route 66 in Ocean Township

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The retail property located at 1000 Route 66 in Ocean Township has been leased to Norman’s Hallmark, now operating as a “super store” spanning 6,400 square feet. Positioned within the Seaview Square shopping center, the new location offers an extensive selection of cards and gifts, boasting convenience, visibility, and a modern shopping environment. The placement next to Starbucks and Applebee’s enhances accessibility and quality for customers.

Summary of transaction details:

  • Property Type: Retail
  • Transaction Amount: Not disclosed
  • Tenant: Howard Henschel - Norman’s Hallmark
  • Market: Ocean Township
  • Address: 1000 Route 66

Howard Henschel, the CEO of Norman’s Hallmark, has overseen the relocation of the store from Middlebrook Plaza to the Seaview Square shopping center. The strategic move to a larger "super store" next to well-known establishments like Starbucks and Applebee’s signifies a focus on providing a broader range of products and services to customers in a more prominent and accessible location.


Deal Summary
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IMAGE: 04/08/2024 ADDRESS: 1000 Route 66 MARKET: Ocean Township ASSET TYPE: Retail TENANT: Howard Henschel - Norman’s Hallmark NOTE: Norman’s Hallmark has relocated to the Seaview Square shopping center on Route 66 in Ocean Township from nearby Middlebrook Plaza, now occupying a 6,400-square-foot "super store" with an extensive selection of cards and gifts. Positioned next to Starbucks and Applebee’s, the new location offers convenience, visibility, and a modern shopping environment, with CEO Howard Henschel emphasizing the center's quality and accessibility.

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Address1000 Route 66 in Ocean Township


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