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11755 Southwest 68th Court

Anne Mahlum And Brett Eaton Acquire $13.5M SFR In Pinecrest With Chad Carroll As The Buyer's Rep And Cristina Ramirez As The Seller's Rep

11755 Southwest 68th Court

Single Family Residence
9,442 SF
clock iconSold 282 days ago
Chad Carroll
Cristina Ramirez
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Single Family Residence
9,442 sqft

Anne Mahlum, the fitness entrepreneur, and Brett Eaton, the high-performance coach, are under contract to buy a stunning $13.5 million Miami manse located at 11755 Southwest 68th Court in Pinecrest. The new-construction residence, set to be completed in November, boasts eight bedrooms and a 65-foot cascading pool. This spacious property spans 9,442 square feet, offering ample room for relaxation and entertainment. With a price per square foot of $1,430, this luxury home showcases the opulence and elegance expected in the affluent Pinecrest market.

Summary of transaction details:

Anne Mahlum and Brett Eaton have strategically tapped into the expertise of Chad Carroll from Compass to represent them in this transaction. As the buyer's representative, Chad Carroll will ensure that all their interests are well-protected throughout the deal. On the other side, Cristina Ramirez from Florida Realty of Miami acts as the seller's representative, providing valuable insights and guidance to complete the sale successfully. This collaboration between the buyer, the buyer's representative, and the seller's representative sets the stage for a smooth and efficient transaction.

It should be noted that once completed, this Miami manse will be transformed into a health and wellness oasis. In addition to its eight bedrooms and stunning pool, the property will feature a beach volleyball court, home gym, and a wine fridge filled with kombucha. This exceptional residence will provide Anne Mahlum and Brett Eaton with the perfect environment to indulge in their health and fitness lifestyle, ensuring a truly tranquil and rejuvenating living experience.


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Chad Carroll's profile picture
Chad Carroll
$504.2M Sold
Cristina Ramirez's profile picture


Deal Summary
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IMAGE: CONTRACT IMAGE: Anne Mahlum, Chad Carroll & Cristina Ramirez DATE: 08/01/2023 ADDRESS: 11755 Southwest 68th Court MARKET: Pinecrest ASSET TYPE: SFR BUYER: Anne Mahlum (@AnneMahlum) - Solidcore & Brett Eaton BUYER'S REP: Chad Carroll (@ChadCarroll) - Compass (@Compass) (@CompassFL) SELLER'S REP: Cristina Ramirez (@Cristina.Ramirez.Realty) - Florida Realty of Miami (@FloridaRealtyofMiami) PRICE: $13,500,000 SF: 9,442 ~ PPSF: $1,430 NOTE: Fitness entrepreneur Anne Mahlum and high-performance coach Brett Eaton are buying a $13.5 million Miami manse with eight bedrooms and a 65-foot cascading pool. The new-construction residence, set for completion in November, will become a health and wellness oasis with various amenities like a beach volleyball court, home gym, and kombucha-filled wine fridge.

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Address11755 Southwest 68th Court


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