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325 Bic Drive

Robert Scinto Acquires Former Subway Headquarters In Milford For $10M

325 Bic Drive

90,000 SF
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90,000 sqft

Connecticut developer Robert Scinto has acquired Subway's former headquarters in Milford. The property is a 90,000-square-foot office building located at 325 Bic Way. In addition to the office building, Scinto has also purchased two adjacent properties, one measuring 36,400 square feet and the other measuring 21,100 square feet. The total price for this transaction was $10 million.

Summary of transaction details

  • Property Type: Industrial
  • Transaction Amount: $10,000,000
  • Address: 325 Bic Way, Milford, CT
  • Market: Milford, CT
  • Square Footage: 90,000
  • Price per Square Foot: $111
  • Buyer: Robert Scinto

Robert Scinto, a prominent Connecticut developer, has successfully acquired Subway's former headquarters in Milford. Scinto, known for his extensive real estate projects in the region, expanded his portfolio with the purchase of this 90,000-square-foot office building. Additionally, he also acquired two adjacent properties, further adding to his investment. The transaction was completed for a total of $10 million, solidifying Scinto's presence in the Milford market.


Deal Summary
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IMAGE: Robert Scinto DATE: 01/04/2024 ADDRESS: 325 Bic Drive MARKET: Milford, CT ASSET TYPE: Industrial BUYER: Robert Scinto SALE PRICE: $10,000,000 SF: 90,000 ~ PPSF: $111 NOTE: Connecticut developer Robert Scinto has acquired Subway's former headquarters in Milford, a 90,000-square-foot office building at 325 Bic Way, along with two other adjacent properties totaling 36,400 square feet and 21,100 square feet, for a total of $10 million.

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