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NJ Court to Dictate Affordable Housing Development Plans in Millburn, NJ

NJ Court to Dictate Affordable Housing Development Plans in Millburn, NJ
Traded Media
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In a recent court ruling, Essex County Superior Court Judge Cynthia Santomauro has intervened in the affordable housing dispute in Millburn, New Jersey. She appointed a special master to determine the location for 75 affordable housing units by June 1, stripping the municipality of its control over the decision due to prolonged inaction.

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Community Resistance and Legal Implications

Local leaders in Millburn have resisted building affordable housing units near the downtown area, despite previous agreements to do so. Santomauro also removed Millburn’s immunity against "builder’s remedy" lawsuits, which could allow developers to bypass local zoning laws to build affordable housing projects.

Arguments and Counterarguments

While Millburn officials express concerns about the chosen site's suitability, organizations like the Fair Share Housing Center accuse them of stalling and avoiding their housing obligations. The center, along with a developer, RPM, advocate for the Main Street complex, citing the prior agreement.

Court Proceedings and Outcome

At a recent hearing, Millburn leaders requested time to propose alternative sites, but the judge was unswayed, describing their efforts as insufficient. The judge ordered Millburn to cover the legal fees of the involved parties but declined to fine the municipality or its members personally.

Future Implications and Legislative Context

The ruling comes amid broader changes in New Jersey's affordable housing policies, signaling a shift in how municipalities will be held accountable for their housing obligations in the future.

The court's intervention underscores the ongoing struggle between municipalities and housing advocates to address affordable housing needs, with potential implications for future housing policy in New Jersey.

Published: April 12, 2024

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