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6801 19th Avenue

Uri Koenig Acquires Multifamily Property In Bensonhurst For $15.7M

6801 19th Avenue

89,772 SF
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89,772 sqft

The multifamily property located at 6801 19th Avenue in Bensonhurst was recently sold in a closed transaction. The sale took place on July 29, 2022, with Uri Koenig as the buyer and Eric Markel as the seller. The property consists of 95 units, with a price per unit of $165,263. It has a total square footage of 89,772, resulting in a price per square foot of $174. The transaction was finalized for a total sale price of $15,700,000.

Summary of transaction details

  • Property Type: Multifamily
  • Transaction Amount: $15,700,000
  • Address: 6801 19th Avenue, Bensonhurst
  • Market: Bensonhurst
  • Buyer: Uri Koenig
  • Seller: Eric Markel
  • Units: 95
  • Price per Unit: $165,263
  • Square Footage: 89,772
  • Price per Square Foot: $174

This successful transaction showcases the expertise of Uri Koenig as the buyer and Eric Markel as the seller. They were able to negotiate and finalize the sale of this multifamily property in Bensonhurst. The property offers great potential with its 95 units and ample square footage, making it a valuable asset in the market.


Deal Summary
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IMAGE: 07/29/2022 ADDRESS: 6801 19th Avenue MARKET: Bensonhurst ASSET TYPE: Multifamily BUYER: Uri Koenig SELLER: Eric Markel SALE PRICE: $15,700,000 UNITS: 95 ~ PPU: $165,263 SF: 89,772 ~ PPSF: $174

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Address6801 19th Avenue


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