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Galeria Sandomierz - Błonie 2, 27-600 Sandomierz, Poland; Galeria Awangarda - Józefa Bema 40 C, 11-200 Bartoszyce, Poland; Eden Retail Park - Jeleniogórska 40, 59-900 Łagów, Poland

BNP Paribas Bank Polska Provides €13.5M Loan For Retail Portfolio In Poland

Galeria Sandomierz - Błonie 2, 27-600 Sandomierz, Poland; Galeria Awangarda - Józefa Bema 40 C, 11-200 Bartoszyce, Poland; Eden Retail Park - Jeleniogórska 40, 59-900 Łagów, Poland

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The loan transaction took place involving three retail properties in Poland. The properties include Galeria Sandomierz located at Błonie 2, 27-600 Sandomierz, Galeria Awangarda located at Józefa Bema 40 C, 11-200 Bartoszyce, and Eden Retail Park located at Jeleniogórska 40, 59-900 Łagów. These properties are part of the retail market in Poland.

Summary of transaction details:

  • Property Type: Retail
  • Loan Amount: €13,500,000
  • Lender: BNP Paribas Bank Polska - Przemek Gdanski
  • Landlord: Focus Estate Fund
  • Market: Poland

The loan was provided by BNP Paribas Bank Polska, with Przemek Gdanski representing the bank in the transaction. The landlord in this deal was the Focus Estate Fund. The loan amount for this transaction was €13,500,000.


Deal Summary
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IMAGE: Przemek Gdanski DATE: 26/11/2021 ADDRESS: Galeria Sandomierz - Błonie 2, 27-600 Sandomierz, Poland; Galeria Awangarda - Józefa Bema 40 C, 11-200 Bartoszyce, Poland; Eden Retail Park - Jeleniogórska 40, 59-900 Łagów, Poland MARKET: Poland ASSET TYPE: Retail LENDER: BNP Paribas Bank Polska - Przemek Gdanski LANDLORD: Focus Estate Fund LOAN AMOUNT: €13,500,000

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AddressGaleria Sandomierz - Błonie 2, 27-600 Sandomierz, Poland; Galeria Awangarda - Józefa Bema 40 C, 11-200 Bartoszyce, Poland; Eden Retail Park - Jeleniogórska 40, 59-900 Łagów, Poland


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